The 60th JSDT was held in Yokohama from June 26 to 28. In this event, WS FIR is formally disclosed by the new brand name of “FIRAPY”. Despite the lots of attention from attendees, 2 new clinical outcomes was open during the congress, one is about fistula, another is about PAD and wound healing which is produced by Juntendo University Hospital.
The application result in PAOD
Research team showed the outcome of peripheral Arterial Disease treated by WS FIR, the Skin Perfusion Pressure (SPP) and chronic wound are improved by 3 months treatment.
Dr. IO presented his clinical evaluation of WS FIR for fistulae in the congress. It’s the first clinical data reported in Japan.
Japanese HD patient comes to our booth and experienced WS FIR for fistula irradiation.