Firpay (WS™ Far-Infrared Therapy Unit) is an effective adjunctive therapy for wound healing
Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process of replacing devitalized and missing cellular structures and tissue layers. The wound healing process can be divided into 3 phases — inflammatory, proliferation and remodeling phase.
The wound is divided into two kinds, acute and chronic, by their healing time. In acute wounds, there is a precise balance between production and degradation of molecules such as collagen, but in a chronic wound, this balance is lost. A chronic wound that does not heal in orderly stages and be detained in one or more phase of the wound healing, such as an inflammatory stage. Chronic wounds are hard to heal and may take over three months to do so. These wounds cause patients severe emotional and physical stress and create a significant financial burden on patients and the whole healthcare system.
The Firapy (WS™ Far-Infrared Therapy Unit) can help to improve wound healing through function shown as below,